Creative Business Design Consultation
to Help Grow Your Business

A creative consultant could mean almost anything, which is one of the perks of the job and why I like it so much. I can pretty much make it up and define it as we see fit, based on how I believe I can best serve and what you need to start or grow your business. And, hey, if what I want to do and what you need are a match, we should talk!

How do I want to serve?

I help creatives, entrepreneurs, and small businesses like yourself bridge the gap from where you are to where you want to be. I help you overcome the creative blocks that prevent you from sharing your product, service, gift, and self with others.

 And, yes, I know how overwhelming and challenging that idea can be, especially when it appears as if everyone else has their creative act together—beautiful websites, clearly defined missions, inspiring products, Instagram pages that make you weep, and all run by witty, charming, and insanely creative masters of their profession.

Newsflash: your website is not your secret weapon, or your logo, or even your talent, or the brilliant idea you thought up in your shower. Sure, that matters. But it’s not the engine that sets you into orbit. Your secret weapon is you and, more specifically, your creative spirit combined with a clear purpose.


My advice to you is to stop comparing, competing, and come up with your own creative solutions to help you take the next step.

 Of course, there are just as many established entrepreneurs who feel stuck by their growth, believing they won’t be able to maintain their success, creativity, or passion. And it’s true, we all get blocked at one time or another. But, it’s what we do with that block that matters, and will determine our business' success and our happiness building those businesses.

You can call me a fixer, troubleshooter, fresh set of eyes, or creative problem solver. By any name, I want to help you use your talents and skills to take the next step in growing your creative business.

So, now it’s your turn.  What do you need to grow your business?

There’s a good chance that you already know what’s blocking you from taking the next step, but I’m guessing that the words floating in your head sound something like this:

  •  I want to turn my talent, skills, and passion into a viable new business, but I’m not sure how to get started or even what that might look like.

  •  I want to get my dream of an idea off the back of my napkin and launch it into a world where it can make a difference in my life while serving others.

  • I want to find new ways to grow my existing business—bring more eyes, devoted fans, paying customers and clients who value my product or service.

  •  I want to develop content strategies that deliver value to my customer or client while delivered in my voice and speaking to my mission and goals.

  •  I want to be more intentional with the products and services I offer while finding new ways to deliver them—authentically and creatively.

  • I want to work easier and enjoy what I do more, cultivating a work-life balance without sacrificing the growth I hope to achieve in my business.

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Congratulations! Noble goals—each and every one of them.

Best part is: your well-defined goals put you clearly on the path to end up where you want to be. Now, you need to find the creative solutions that work for you and your business.


Contact me today! Tell me a little bit about yourself and your dream—who are you and what you need help with. Let’s see if we’re a match.


A Few More Questions?

Still not sure how I can help?

 Ask yourself one simple question: What keeps you up at night? What tugs at your heart? That’s a great place to start, along with your nagging problems, wish lists, and secret dreams dying a slow death in your desk drawer.

 So, consultant, huh? Does that mean you’re an expert?

 Far from it. In fact, I don’t want to be that guy, which is good because I’m not that guy. I often like to say there are much better designers, writers, and thinkers than me. My strength is combining my talents with intuition, creative thinking, curiosity and enthusiasm to bring clarity and flair to your business.  Every project and client is brand new, which I think is a great way to start.

 How do your services work?

 Hire me for a day, a week, or longer if I’m available. Here’s the absolute “take this to the bank” truth about my business. I have no preconceived idea how it will look or end up. Try putting that on your business plan and see where it gets you. But, not to worry. I like the uncertainty and magic of not knowing where my creativity will go next. It’s taken me a long time to get here, but the journey was worth it.

 It sounds like you’re picky with your clients?

 I am! But in a way that is helpful for us both. Want to know if you’re my ideal client?

 How do I get started?

Contact me today! Tell me a little bit about yourself and your dream—who are you and what you need help with. Let’s see if we’re a match. If you like, you can sign up for a free 30-minute consultation